Landscaping SEO

rmarketing™ has been helping local landscaping businesses improve their web presence and search rankings on Google for years. Being Colorado natives, we recognize the demand for landscaping services in an area where outdoor enthusiasm is high.

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SEO in the Landscaping industry

get your business ranked above your competitors

Decades ago, before the advent of the Internet, search engines and social media, landscapers and other contractors relied heavily on word-of-mouth and print advertising. When someone needed a landscaper, they were probably asking their friends or neighbors for recommendations or turning to the Yellow Pages to find local contractors in their area.

In the digital age we live in now, search engines have rendered the Yellow Pages and other physical directories obsolete. 97% of people now turn to the Internet to learn more about local businesses, and when they do, they’re almost certainly using Google as their primary resource. Of all the billions of search queries entered into Google every day, 46% of them involve something local. 

Knowing these statistics makes the necessity of SEO for landscapers irrefutable. With over 500,000 landscaping businesses serving a $98 billion market across the US, landscaping is an overwhelmingly local industry. A well-executed local SEO strategy for landscapers can mean the difference between struggling to survive as a business and achieving greater market share than you ever thought possible.

landscaping seo


rmarketing™ for the Landscaping industry

rmarketing™ offer local SEO services for landscapers that includes:

  • Ranking your landscaping business website for local search terms
  • Creating and optimizing web pages for each location<
  • Optimizing Google My Business listings and other directories
  • Creating high-quality blogs that resonate and engage with the local community
  • Monitoring reviews and review responses
  • Increasing your website’s backlink portfolio using local web resources

Local SEO starts with keyword research, a vital first step that balances analysis of real search term data and intuition into user intent. Online resources like Google Keyword Planner and SEMRush have special tools for keyword research that provide data, such as the volume and competition of certain keywords and related queries, but to truly research keywords well requires an intuitive understanding of how humans interact with search engines.

For example, some keywords indicate that a user is not actually ready to purchase a product or service and is just researching options. Search queries like “landscaping ideas”, “home landscaping”, and especially “DIY landscaping” imply that the user is not yet interested in paying for services, but is exploring the option of landscaping their property on their own.

However, queries like “landscapers near me” or “landscaping companies in Denver” indicate that the user is closer to making a conversion and potentially becoming a customer. Understanding the nuances and subtleties of user intent in search engines is a tremendously valuable skill to have in the SEO world. When it comes to local SEO, this means understanding what local people are searching for when they need a product or service in your industry.

When it comes to local SEO, community engagement is paramount to success. Often times, the best way to do this is via an ongoing social media presence. For larger businesses, social media management is an entire full-time position in of itself. rmarketing™ connects our landscaping clients with social media experts whose sole purpose is to strategize how to increase customer engagement on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and other platforms–and then execute that strategy to achieve the desired results. 

At rmarketing™, we customize each and every SEO campaign to the specific desires and needs of the client to maximize potential rankings positions. A significant part of this involves incrementally analyzing all relevant data once onboarding is complete and a campaign has been launched. Our SEO team uses powerful analytics tools to determine key campaign performance indicators, assess overall success, and make changes to the strategy as needed.

We're Here To Help You

What Are You Looking For?

Improve site performance, search engine visibility and social media lead generation!


Our search engine optimization services can help increase your business’ visibility in search engines, drive more traffic to your website, and increase conversions.


We create relevant, engaging content that captures and holds your audience’s attention, builds website authority and establishes your brand as an industry-leading voice.


We implement powerful social media campaigns that increase brand awareness, loyalty, and trust on social platforms.

Landscaping SEO

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Is SEO Important for Lanscapers?

SEO can increase your share of the local market for your products and services, making lifelong customers out of members of your community.

WHAT TYPES OF Landscaping BUSINESSES CAN benefit from SEO?

What better way to feature your business than with photos of your finished projects and having your past customers write nice things about you on your website. Unfortunately, if new customers can’t find you online, all your past work will go unnoticed and new jobs may be going to your competition. SEO can help you grow your business with qualified leads.


SEO can take anywhere from 3 to 6 months or more depending on competition, goals, and campaign structure.

How Are Landscaping Websites Ranked?

Websites and pages are ranked in search engines by using a complex algorithm which takes into account 200+ factors. Websites that are ranked higher in the SERPs are the ones considered to be the most relevant and useful. 


A successful SEO strategy will improve search engine rankings, leading to increased traffic, more conversions, and higher revenues for your business.


If your business website is not listed on the first page of Google, you’re essentially not being seen at all. SEO can boost your search engine visibility and increase traffic to your site dramatically.

eDirectory SEO

directory SEO Services

eDirectory is a simple to use web-based software targeted at website owners looking to build a robust directory website. eDirectory Features: Listings | Deals &

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Let's Find You The Right Landscapiing SEO Partner Your Company Deserves

Local SEO, when properly executed, can make a world of difference for locally-based, small business contractors like landscapers. If you’re a landscaping contractor and are ready to take your digital marketing game to the next level, contact rmarketing™ today for more information on our local SEO services for landscapers.